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I Have Some Exciting News

Life takes you in some strange directions. 

If you’d told me 15 years ago that I’d leave the classroom to start a business decluttering people’s closets, I would have called you crazy. 

If you’d told me that I’d eventually stop doing in-person decluttering and create an online business, I’d have laughed and pointed you to my lack of tech-savvy skills. 

And if you’d told me after that, I’d feel called to go into politics, I’d have told you to check the warranty on your Magic 8 Ball.

But here I am, embarking on a strange and surprising turn in my life journey, pursuing a seat in the Ohio Statehouse. 

What brought me here? Well, if you’re really interested in that, I’ll point you to my campaign website—RoseforOhio.com—where you can read all about it. I realize that you’re probably not reading this blog because you want a dose of politics. In fact, decluttering and simplifying your life might be a much-needed break from the divisive world of political back-and-forth. 

So know this: I won’t be using this platform to talk about my political beliefs or argue with anyone else about theirs. 

But I do want to share why I think simplicity is a key factor in me getting to this place. 

When we declutter our homes and simplify our work-lives, we naturally calm our minds.

We start to think and dream. And thinking and dreaming always leads humans to the most surprising places. Quiet reflection has helped us create flying machines, iPhones, and life-saving medical treatments. And sometimes, from the quiet that comes from an uncluttered life, we hear a calling to step outside of what we know and serve the world in a new and different way. 

That’s where I am.

I’m excited. I’m nervous. I’m up too late answering emails. I’m on the biggest learning curve of my life. 

But I don’t doubt for a minute that I’m doing what I’m called to do. 

Therein lies my challenge to you. 

As you continue to declutter and simplify your life, realize that the quiet you create will probably ask something of you. This something will be unexpected. You’ll think you can’t do it. But I urge you, stay. Listen. See what there is to learn. 

You might just be surprised that, underneath all that stuff, is a calling to serve the world in a new way. 

So what can you expect from me between now and November? 

I’ll still write blogs about decluttering and simplicity, but likely less of them. 

I’ll still post on my social media, but less often. 

I’ll continue to serve my private clients and offer on-demand decluttering courses that you can access anytime, anywhere. 

But I’ll be focusing much of my time and energy toward my campaign for the next 10 months. If you’d like to follow along, volunteer, or donate, you can click here to do that. 

Thanks for being with me on this journey toward a simpler life. It continues to surprise and delight me, as I hope it does for you, too. 

PS: If you’re a busy working mom who wants to declutter your home, simplify your work-life, and calm your mind… Sign up for my FREE 30-Day Simplicity Challenge!

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