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21 Simple Stocking Stuffers for a More Minimal Christmas

If you’re trying to take a less-is-more approach to the holidays, you might find yourself a bit stymied by one holiday tradition: stocking stuffers. (You know, those trinkets that are still in your junk drawer from last Christmas. 😉)

And with the big day less than two weeks away, you may be wondering: How do I stuff stockings without adding clutter to my life?

Read on and all shall be revealed…

It helps to have a theme for stocking stuffers. My theme is Everyday Fancy.

Think of the things you do everyday. Then consider the stocking an opportunity to make those daily to-dos a little more fancy.

For instance, if your kids brush their teeth everyday (which both your dentist and I certainly hope they do!), upgrade their daily paste to something fancy, something that not only whitens and brightens, but also tastes like “fruit blast” (whatever the heck that is) and has cartoon characters on the tube. Wow, toothbrushing sounds fancier already!

(Note: If you don’t have little kids, a fancy toothpaste upgrade could be some type of organic, fair-trade toothpaste where a portion of the proceeds goes to a worthy cause, like helping orphaned goats learn to read.)

Here’s a pic of some stocking stuffers I bought my kids many moons ago, when they were just little guys: 


All of these items are Everyday Fancy. The light-up toothbrushes certainly make the brushing chore more glamorous and the specialty toothpaste is an upgrade over typical white paste. The cartoon-character clad vitamins are also a fancier version of the store-brand ones.

Here are 21 ideas for Everyday Fancy items you could include in your family’s stockings.

Most of these items are consumable, so they won’t add clutter to your home, and you can adjust many of them to suit different ages.

  • Fancy soap or body wash
  • Fancy shampoo or conditioner
  • Fancy lotion, body butter, or body oils
  • Bubble bath
  • Bath bombs
  • Fancy lip balm
  • Fancy organic cleaning products
  • New undies and socks
  • Poo-Pourri (If you don’t know what this is, Google it. And you’re welcome.)
  • Incense or palo santo wood
  • Fancy chocolates
  • Gourmet coffee
  • Fancy tea
  • Movie theater gift cards
  • Gas cards (make it fancy by wrapping it in a pretty bow)
  • Car wash gift certificates (My van says, “Yes, please!” to this stuffer!)
  • Restaurant gift certificates (go local for very fancy or fast food for the tweens and teens in your life!)
  • Lottery tickets
  • Gourmet olive oil or spices (for the foodie in your life)
  • Straight-up cash — Always a crowd pleaser. Make it fancy by folding into cool shapes.
  • Adult beverages (just make sure your recipient is a drinker!)  

I hope this gives you a bit less head-scratching when it comes to filling those stockings this year. I’d love to hear any other super stocking stuffer ideas you have!

PS: If you’re a busy working mom who wants to declutter your home, simplify your work-life, and calm your mind… Sign up for my FREE 30-Day Simplicity Challenge!

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