
My Brand New Achievement Addict Book is NOW AVAILABLE!

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Wanna be less busy? Read this book.

Many of you know that I’m trying to slow down, savor the moments, and not worry so much about all the things I need to do. (Muuuuuch easier said than done!) Maybe you’re like me, trying to figure out a way to live a better, simpler life, sometimes succeeding and sometimes not, but always learning along the way. 

Whenever I embark on a journey of self-improvement (which for me, happens quite regularly), I always think it’s wise to follow in the footsteps of those who’ve gone successfully before me. 

So today I’d like to share a book that has helped me tremendously on my simplicity journey: Soulful Simplicity by Courtney Carver. 

In case you don’t know her (and if you’re in the minimalism and simplicity community, it’s pretty hard not to know her!) Courtney is the voice behind the popular blog BeMoreWithLess and the creator of the well-known minimalist fashion challenge Project333

In addition to that, she’s a super nice person. I know because I met her. On the Internet. Which seems to count for meeting people these days. 😉

In her book, Courtney shares her powerful story. After being diagnosed with MS, she embarked on a journey to simplify her health–cutting out processed foods in favor of whole grains, fruits, and veggies. This eventually led her to simplify other aspects of her life–her stuff, her debts, her schedule, even her career. As she shed the excess in each area of her life, she moved closer to her most authentic self. 

My favorite line in the book is:

“Simplicity doesn’t change who you are, it brings you back to who you are.” 

I’ve experienced this in my own life. As I let go of things and commitments that don’t serve me, I feel more like me. Which is why I continue to seek a simple life, nearly eight years after I wrote my first minimalist blog post. 

Courtney’s dissection of modern “busy culture” also hit home. She describes herself as a former busy addict who “complained about my busyness and got completely high from it at the same time.” Well, as my dad says… I resemble that remark. 😉 

If you’re riding the busy struggle bus with me–and you’d like to get off at the next stop please–I’d recommend checking out Courtney’s 21-Day Busy Boycott Challenge. I did this and it was so revealing! For instance, for the first seven days, you simply remove the word “busy” from your vocabulary. Believe me, this is much harder than you think! 

Remember when I said she’s a super nice person? I know that because she allowed me to do an exclusive video interview with her as a bonus resource for students in my LESS Method On-Demand decluttering course

If you’d like to see my interview with the lovely Ms. Carver–and get my best step-by-step decluttering guidance at the same time–you can check out my LESS Method on-demand decluttering course here

Cheers to less busy and more simplicity!

PS The wise and wonderful Courtney Carver did an exclusive video interview with me and I’m offering it as a bonus resource for students in my LESS Method On-Demand decluttering course! You can check out the course and gain access to the interview here.  

PPS Ready to start your own minimalism journey? Grab my FREE minimalism starter guide and let’s get going!


PS: If you’re a person who wants to declutter your home, simplify your work-life, and calm your mind… Sign up for my FREE 30-Day Simplicity Challenge!

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