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How Much is Enough? A Conversation About Simplicity

One of my favorite things about my work is getting to meet other online creators who are doing good work. And one of those wonderful creators is podcaster Jesse Cramer of The Best Interest Podcast

Jesse is a mechanical engineer turned personal finance guru (which made me really wonder why in the heck he wanted to talk to me! 😂). 

But when we sat down to talk about minimalism and simplicity, I was blown away by his kind and gentle approach to helping people live better lives as a whole, not just financially. 

Jesse and I captured our conversation—“How Much is Enough?”—on a recent episode of his podcast.

We talked about: 

  • How to decide what’s useful to you and what’s beautiful
  • How to be a better gift giver and receiver (this is especially important with the holidays coming up!)
  • How to pay attention to mental patterns that may be cluttering our minds
  • Why we should start decluttering with the physical space, and then move on to the mental space

I hope you’ll find our conversation useful as you continue along your simplicity journey, especially with the holidays approaching. 

You can listen to our conversation on Apple Podcasts here or on Spotify here.

Cheers to your simplest and best life!

PS: If you’re a person who wants to declutter your home, simplify your work-life, and calm your mind… Sign up for my FREE 30-Day Simplicity Challenge!

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