I started my blog in 2015. Back then I called it “Clutter Free Mom of 3” and it detailed my minimalist journey as a full-time working mom of toddler triplets. I’m sure that writing about my decluttering helped others, but mostly, it helped me. It gave me an audience for a project that was changing my life. It held me accountable to doing the work. If I didn’t post for a while, I’d imagine my readers anxiously awaiting an update on the state of my closets. (This was most certainly not happening, but it motivated me regardless!)
As my home cleared up, the focus of my blog turned to helping others. I started a business helping other people declutter and organize their homes. My blog moved from chronicling my personal journey to giving advice and yes—showcasing my services. I found there was nothing better than a good client before-and-after to show others the difference I could make in how their homes looked and felt.
The pandemic moved my work into the virtual world. I started offering webinars, online classes, and virtual coaching to clients all over the US and the world. This was thrilling! I was fascinated that folks in the UK, Finland, and Australia needed the same things my clients in the US did: less stuff, more peace of mind.
Around this time my writing moved inward, focusing on the internal transformation that happens when we simplify our external spaces. I wrote about letting go of emotional and mental clutter. This was especially helpful to me as I processed my dad’s sudden death a couple years ago, writing my way through a very tough year.
To sum it up: my blog has always reflected my life.
As much as I hope it’s helped you, my dear readers, over the years, it has always helped me. My blog is where I’ve processed my life, reflected on my challenges, and kept myself focused on the things that matter most.
This brings me to now: 2025. If you’ve been with me since the beginning, you know that my blog slowed way down last year as I ran for office in Ohio. And since the election, I’ve had a big question nagging the back of my mind: What are you doing with your blog, Rose?
I’ve come to the decision that, like so many things I’ve decluttered over the years, it’s time to let it go. I feel called to write and share my voice on other, more political topics and this blog is not the platform for that.
It’s funny. After all the sweaters, tea towels, hobby equipment, and papers I’ve decluttered over the years, you’d think this would be easy.
It’s not.
Every time we let something go, we also let go of a piece of our identity.
Writing this blog has been an integral part of my life for a decade. All of the fears come up:
What if you regret this?
What if you want to return to blogging someday?
What if people are angry at you?
All of those things are certainly possible, but in order to welcome the opportunities that I know are waiting for me, I have to create space for them. Letting go of my blog will help me do that.
What does that mean for you?
➡️You can still read my old blog posts. My website will remain active, so you’re welcome to peruse my past posts anytime you like.
➡️You can still hire me for coaching. I have a handful of private clients whom I work with both virtually and in-person. This will not change.
➡️You can still have me come speak to your group. I’m happy to talk about decluttering and simplicity to your workplace or organization.
➡️You can still buy my online classes. They are always available and are an affordable way to help you declutter your home, simplify your work life, and clear your mind.
But what if I want to keep hearing from you, Rose?
There may come a day when I want to start another blog. If that happens and you’d like to be on that list, just email me personally at [email protected] to let me know.
I want to thank you all for 10 years of readership. Writing this blog has been crucial to the person I’ve become and I couldn’t have done it without all of you. Thank you for caring enough to read what I had to say. I wish you all clear hearts, clear minds, and yes, clear countertops as you go forth into your future endeavors.
With much love & gratitude,