Or maybe this is more like it?
You’re excited about the freedom & peace of mind that’s possible when you create more open spaces like this in your life.
You’re imagining how much more sane, calm, and productive you’d feel with less stuff in your life. How you’d be able to sit down at the end of the day and just RELAX, instead of stressing about all the chaos and disorder…
Maybe you’re just starting out, beginning to think and dream about the possibilities of a less-is-more life.
Maybe you’ve taken a few first steps. You’ve decluttered a closet or two, some of the kids’ clothes, maybe a few boxes in the basement. But still… there’s so much more to go and you wonder how you’ll ever do it all.
Maybe you’ve been walking the simplicity path for awhile, but you know there’s more to go. You’ve dealt with some physical stuff and now you’re ready to tackle the clutter in your digital life, schedule, and perhaps… even your mind.