
Free *Live* Webinar

Friday, March 24, 2023 at 1pm EST

How to Declutter Your Family's Home

Without Exhausting Yourself (or Resorting to Threats!)

As seen on:

A Minimalism & Simplicity Webinar for Working Moms 💪🏽

Do you ever see other working moms with beautiful decluttered homes and wonder just how they do it? 🙋🏻‍♀️ (Are they bribing their kids? Not sleeping? Using top-secret robots to clear the counters and pick up the toys while they're at work?? 😉) Well, wonder no more because... their secrets are about to be revealed!

On this webinar you'll learn...

Have we met? I'm Rose!

Ten years ago I was living the busy life of a middle school teacher with toddler triplets. (Yes, you heard that right!) But the biggest struggle in my life wasn’t my work or my kids… it was my stuff. As I started letting go of all the things I didn’t need or love, I discovered some amazing gifts: free time, peace of mind, and clarity. I now devote my life to helping other working mamas create more space for joy, balance, and mental wellbeing in their lives through simplicity. I’ve been featured on some speaking and news outlets, but my most important credential is that I’ve done this myself. And I can help you do it, too!